[comp.sys.sun] Questions: <exiting> processes, ThinNet

root%helios.UCSC.EDU@ucscc.ucsc.edu (De Clarke (Systems Mgr)) (02/16/89)

1) Has anyone managed to kill off user processes that go <exiting>?  Mine
hang about for anywhere from a day to three days before they finally drop
off.  Since they do drop off in the end (I guess the lbolt that they're
waiting on finally hits) there must be a way to force them out by making
the lbolt arrive sooner, right?  I asked Sun and they said basically
"reboot."  (Great answer >:-( ) So thought I'd ask the public.

[[ We've been discussing that quite a bit lately.  I don't think there is
a *safe* way to do it, but maybe someone will prove me wrong (God knows
people have proven me wrong before!  (-: ).  --wnl ]]

2) Has anyone found a source for single-port ThinNet repeaters?  (that is,
a one-port DEMPR for you ex-Dec-ies)  How much?

3) Thanks everyone who answered my inquiries about DNI -- I used your
answers to hit my Sun rep over the head, and got a tape hand delivered a
few days later!


voice: 408-429-2630	fax: 408-429-2730	email: root@helios.ucsc.edu