[comp.sys.sun] Missing signatures

whb@hoh-2.UUCP (Win Bent) (03/01/89)

Now that we Usenet readers are getting Sun Spots un-digestified, we are
also getting it re-headerized, thus losing header information as to the
origin of the posting.

PLEASE, posters, SIGN YOUR POSTINGS!!!  Recently, there were two postings:
one implied that the information was an Official Sun Microsystems
Statement (*), the other implied Authorship of Mathematica (**); neither
had a signature.

*  Sun-Spots-Digest: Volume 7, Issue 156, message 1 of 11
** Sun-Spots-Digest: Volume 7, Issue 156, message 7 of 11

My signature (of course :-) is the perfect example of what I'm looking for.

Wilson H. Bent, Jr.		... att!hoh-2!whb (whb@hoh-2.ATT.COM)
AT&T - Bell Laboratories	(201) 888-7129
Disclaimer: My company has not authorized me to issue a disclaimer.

[[ PLEASE NOTE:  messages from individuals within Sun do not necessarily
constitute an "Official Sun Microsystems Statement".  It is a mistake to
assume as such.  Personally, I value the input this list receives from Sun
engineers and technicians, but if everyone starts assuming that everything
coming from Sun is "official", then Sun employees are going to be very
reluctant to continue their contributions.

As for messages in general:  the "From:" address that I place in the
messages is the "best effort" I can make at a real address of the sender
as represented in the message header.  If the original header had a
"Reply-to" line and it is not obviously bogus, then I will use that
address for "From:"  Otherwise, I will compare the Berkeley "From" line
and the "From:" line in the message header to see which looks better and
use that.  In extreme cases, I will resort to rebuilding the address from
the "Received:" lines (or take it out of the message's signature).  This
is one reason that moderating takes time.  V7n156 message 1 *was* from
someone at Sun (see above comment).  Nonetheless, signatures are a good
idea.  --wnl ]]