Michael.Mauldin@nl.cs.cmu.edu (03/04/89)
************************************************************************ * Announcing the "Fuzzy PixMap" (or FBM) image manipulation library * ************************************************************************ The FBM library is now available in Alpha test form to interested parties. For information about anonymous FTP, see the end of this message. This package allows manipulation and conversion of a variety of color and black-and-white image formats. It particular it provides complete support for Sun rasterfiles with 1, 8, or 24 bits per pixel. Inputs the following file formats o Sun rasterfiles (1, 8, or 24 bits, color or greyscale) o GIF files (1 to 8 bits, color or greyscale) o PCX files o PBM rasters o Face files (CMU format for 1bit files by Bennet Yee) o FBM files (my own format) Outputs the following formats o Sun rasterfiles o FBM files o GIF files (mapped color only) o PBM (1bit files only) o Face format (1bit files only) With input converter for o raw images (like Amiga Digi-View files) With output converters for o PostScript (1bit or 8bit greyscale files only) o Diablo graphics (1bit files only) Operations o Extract rectangle (optionally resizing and changing aspect ratio) o Change density and contrast (color and greyscale) o Rotate 90, 180, or 270 degrees o Quantize 24 bit RGB images to 8..256 colors Modified Heckbert median cut o Halftone greyscale using Ulichney's Blue Noise dithering Floyd-Steinberg dithering Jarvis's Constrained averaging Threshholding o Edge Sharpening by Digitial Laplacian (color or greyscale) o Convert color to greyscale (or compute "grey" colormap so greyscale images can be viewed on frame buffers) o Compute histograms of greyscale images o Sample 1bit images to convert to greyscale Status Alpha test release. "Use at your own risk, bug fixes not guaranteed, be happy with minimal documentation." Freely available for use, redistribution, incorporation into other code. Just don't make a profit off it or take my name off of it. Written in C for BSD and Mach Unix Systems. Tested on Vaxes, Sun Workstations, and IBM RTs. Self contained. Does not require Sun include files or library routines to manipulate Sun rasters. Availability Anonymous FTP Host: nl.cs.cmu.edu ( User: anonymous Password: name@site Filename: /usr/mlm/ftp/fbm08.tar.Z Don't forget to specify "image" type transfer before Will be posted to UseNet when the code is stable and the documentation is complete and accurate. Acknowledgements GIF read support written by David Koblas. GIF write support written by David Rowley Edge detection and pixel cleaning by Gary Sherwin and Michael Mauldin Rumours Future support is rumoured for Amiga IFF files, NeXT TIFF files and MacPaint files. Also it may someday be able to write all of the formats that it can read. All that is needed to incorporate a new format is to write a routine that reads the given image into memory and one that writes it out again. I will incorporate other code on a "whenever I'm not working on my thesis" basis. Michael L. Mauldin (Fuzzy) School of Computer Science ARPA: Michael.Mauldin@NL.CS.CMU.EDU Carnegie Mellon University Phone: (412) 268-3065 Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 [[ I've seen some pictures "quantized" with the modified Heckbert median cut (since they were from Mr. Mauldin, I assume that it is the same code as is used in this package. Absolutely astounding! Unbelievable! A must see. Maybe I can convince him to put one in the archives. You really have to see it to believe it. --wnl ]]