mike@Brl-Vgr.ARPA (04/05/83)
From: Mike Muuss <mike@Brl-Vgr.ARPA> Ralph - Yes, I'm here! There are a goodly number of sites running BRL/UNIX, our V6-based UNIX for the PDP-11s. It includes 4.1aBSD / 2.8BSD style network support, with a fair number of device drivers for network devices. This is not the packet driver, but the full TCP/IP networking. Note that BRL/UNIX presently only support TCP/IP networking on split-I/D machines. I'd be glad to discuss all of the improvements we have made to the kernel if you are interested. At this point it is about 40% rewritten. BRL/UNIX comes with V7 and System-III compatibility libraries to provide full source (not binary) compatibility. -Mike Muuss U.S.Army Ballistic Research Laboratory Mike@BRL ...!decvax!brl-bmd!mike