rob@xermes (Robert A. Schroeder) (04/26/89)
I was planning on adding a Maxtor 760 MB SCSI disk to my 4/110. However, I happened upon some information in the "Hardware READ ME FIRST for the Sun 4/110 Systems" that floored me. It says: The Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) connector on the Sun 4100 CPU board installed in your 4/110 system may not adhere completely to the SCSI specification. Pin 26 on the SCSI connector may be grounded. Do NOT use non-Sun SCSI disk drives with any Sun 4/110 or any 4100 CPU based system. Use of a SCSI drive not purchased from Sun may result in the damage or destruction of the disk drive/s. Is this for real?? I've given my salesman over a week to try to confirm/deny this statement and have yet to hear from him. So, I thought I'd turn to netland for some help on this one. Please tell me it's a joke (I've actually already ordered the disk :( ). Rob Schroeder ...philabs!xermes!rob Xerox WRC-MESL No. Tarrytown, NY (914) 631-4710 -- Robert Schroeder | VOICE - (914) 631-4710 Xerox - Mechanical Engineering | 8* 348-1237 Research Lab | UUCP - philabs!xermex!rob No. Tarrytown, NY 10591 | XNS - Rob:WRC-MESL:Xerox