U1DF1@wvnvm.wvnet.edu (John Neubert) (05/06/89)
What is the address/phone number for the "Sun Observer" (PCI Pubs.)? Are there any other publications that cover Sun products exclusively? [[ I don't have a copy in front of me, but I do have the Editor's business card. Try: Sun Observer, PCI Publications, 12416 Hymeadow Drive, Austin, TX 78750. Or call them at (512) 250-9023. They are also on the net as "pcinews!observer@cs.utexas.edu", but I don't know if they accept subscription requests at that address (they probably haven't even thought of the possibility). By the way, I'm writing a monthly column for them now. (And this is not an advertisement. :-) --wnl ]]