[comp.sys.sun] "Best Way" to inhibit halting of workstations

miker@central.sun.com (Mike Raffety) (04/21/89)

To achieve a secure single-user mode under SunOS 3.X, there's a couple of
ways to do it; the documented, easy, not-quite-perfect way, and the
foolproof, you-need-Unix-source way:

1.  At the tail end of the init(8) man page, in the BUGS section, there's
a documented method.  Unfortunately, I believe you can get around this
simply by INTerrupting at the right moment.  Here's the BUGS section:

When coming up single-user, the system does not require the super-user
to log in.  To force a login when running single-user, add the line:

	login root

to the file /.profile.

2.  The foolproof way requires Unix source; change init so that when it
comes up single-user, it execs login, instead of sh:

fine% scc sccsdiff -r1.1 -r1.2 init.c
> char  login[] = "/bin/login";
<                       execl(shell, minus, (char *)0);
>                       write(2, "Single-user mode...", 20);
>                       execl(login, login, (char *)0);
> /*                    execl(shell, minus, (char *)0);    MVR  */

The interesting thing about BOTH of these is that login will time out
after 60 seconds, and the machine will continue to come up multi-user.
Note that fsck will NOT have been run when it comes up, since it
originally came up single-user.

brent@uunet.uu.net (Brent Chapman) (04/21/89)

# What is the best way to stop non-staff personel from halting a workstation
# and then booting it up in single user mode as root?
# I've seen numerous suggestions posted here.  I would like to know what
# method has proved the most secure and feature free in practice.

If you're running 3.x, you can use the following bit of code.  It is
executed instead of /bin/sh by /etc/init when going into single user mode,
and prompts the user for the root password; if the user supplies the
correct password, then /bin/sh is invoked as usual, but otherwise (after 3
failed password attempts) the machine is halted. 

Read the comments very carefully and think hard before proceeding; this
"fix" involves a binary patch to /etc/init, and if you make a mistake,
recovery could be painful.  If you make a mistake and break your
/etc/init, you will _not_ be able to boot from your normal root, not even
single user.  If this happens to you, you'll have to boot from an
alternate root (from tape, or from a server somewhere) then mount your
"real" root and restore the old /etc/init; this can be a real hassle, and
can ruin your whole day. 

I'm not trying to disuade anyone from using the program (it's fairly
simple, and closes a serious security hole in 3.x systems); I just want
everyone to be damn sure they understand how tricky it is to install, and
what the consequences can be if a mistake is made during installation.

Anyway, with all those caveats, the code is appended to the end of this

Brent Chapman					Capital Market Technology, Inc.
Computer Operations Manager			1995 University Ave., Suite 390
brent@capmkt.com				Berkeley, CA  94704
{cogsci,lll-tis,uunet}!capmkt!brent		Phone:  415/540-6400

======== file "sq.c" follows ========

 *  This program forms a small layer between init and /bin/sh to prompt
 *  for the root password before going to single user mode;
 *  to augment security by preventing users acquiring root privileges
 *  by shutting down the system with L1-a and consequently starting
 *  the system single-user;
 *  made & installed by the following (you must be root to do the install):
 *	cc -O -o sq sq.c
 *	install -m 0700 -o root sq /bin/sq
 *  this program should be in /bin/sq and then you can patch /etc/init
 *  at address 0x2000c to exec /bin/sq instead of /bin/sh.
 *  Become super-user and issue the following commands.  This patch to
 *  /etc/init makes it start /bin/sq rather than /bin/sh.  /bin/sq starts
 *  /bin/sh if and only if the user enters the correct root password.  You
 *  must do the mv & cp before beginning because the current /etc/init file
 *  is "busy" (because the program is running) and can't be modified.  First
 *  create the new copy of init, then check to make sure that your 'init' is
 *  the same as mine:
 *	mv /etc/init /etc/init.old
 *	cp /etc/init.old /etc/init
 *      echo "0x2000c?s" | adb /etc/init
 *  If you don't get the following response, STOP HERE, because the patch
 *  isn't going to work (if you feel comfortable doing so, you could try
 *  to figure out where "/bin/sh" is in your /etc/init, and modify the
 *  patch below accordingly).  The response you should get to the last
 *  command above is:
 *      0x2000c:        /sh
 *  Like I said, if that's not the response you get, then the following patch
 *  won't work, and is likely to do strange and wonderful things to your
 *  /etc/init.  Anyway, if that _is_ what you get, the 0x2000c _is_ the righ
 *  location, and you can do the following to change init's exec of "/bin/sh"
 *  to "/bin/sq".  Note that adb is _very_ case sensitive; the capital W is
 *  quite significant...
 *  	echo "0x2000c?W 0x2f737100" | adb -w /etc/init
 *  Note that one should not forget the root password, otherwise
 *  miniunix should be loaded from tape; the rootfs should be mounted
 *  in /a after booting disk(,,1)vmunix -as etc.
 *  Note also that this solution works for SUN Release 3.2, 3.4, and 3.5.
 *  It probably works for other 3.x versions.  It almost certainly DOESN'T
 *  work for 4.0, but it isn't needed for 4.0, either (you can just remove
 *  the "secure" attribute from the console line in /etc/ttytab).
 *  The user gets two tries to enter a valid password; if he fails,
 *  the program halts the machine.
 *  This code originally received from Carol Wilwelmy (carolw@sun.com)
 *  of Sun Microsystems, and subsequently adapted by D. Brent Chapman
 *  (brent@capmkt.com) of Capital Market Technology, Inc.  Both of us
 *  will be pleased if you find our work useful, but you're playing with
 *  the very guts of your system; if you screw it up, the "solution" may be
 *  worse than the problem it solves...
 *  NO WARRANTIES; USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!  If you screw up your 'init',
 *  you'll have to boot your system diskless from tape or a server in order
 *  to restore the old version of init (which you were supposed to save
 *  before you started playing around).  

#include <pwd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sgtty.h>
#include <sys/file.h>

extern	struct passwd *getpwnam();
extern	char	*crypt(), *getpass();
extern	int (*signal())();
extern	int alarm();

char	*sorry	= "\rSorry\n\r";
char	*failed = "\r/bin/sq: getpwnam and getpwuid for user root failed\n\r";
char	*halt   = "/etc/halt";
char	*halting= "\rHalting machine\n\r";

    int status;

    write(2, halting, strlen(halting));
    execl(halt, halt, 0);
    /* shouldn't get here, but just in case... */

main(argc, argv)
    int argc;
    char *argv[];
    char *password;
    struct passwd *pwd;
    int i; 

    if (argc == 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "-") == 0) {
	if (access("/single_shot", F_OK) == 0)
	    goto ok;
	if ((pwd = getpwnam("root")) == (struct passwd *)0) {
	    /* apparently no user called "root"; try for uid==0 */
	    if ((pwd = getpwuid(0)) == (struct passwd *)0) {
	        write(2, failed, strlen(failed));
	if (pwd->pw_passwd[0] == '\0')
	    goto ok;
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
	    password = getpass("Password:");
	    if (strcmp(pwd->pw_passwd, crypt(password, pwd->pw_passwd)) != 0) {
		if (i == 0) {
		    write(2, sorry, strlen(sorry));
		write(2, sorry, strlen(sorry));
    execv("/bin/sh", argv);
    /* shouldn't get here */

miker@central.sun.com (Mike Raffety) (05/06/89)

Brent Chapman ({cogsci,lll-tis,uunet}!capmkt!brent) says:
>  You must do the mv & cp before beginning because the current /etc/init
>  file is "busy" (because the program is running) and can't be modified.

/etc/init is compiled to NOT page (i.e., pure executable), so that you CAN
delete/update it without crashing your system (when it goes to page out of
a non-existent or changed file).

I like the binary patch to /etc/init, but instead of the custom "sq"
program, a simpler solution might be to make a hard (or soft) link called
"sq" (or any other two letter name, to match the space used in /etc/init
for "sh") to /bin/login, which will do just as effective a job of keeping
the machine safe.

Also, if you screw up your /etc/init so that it's unusable, you can use an
undocumented flag to boot, "-i", to specify an alternate version of
/etc/init to use (e.g., /etc/init.orig, like "> b sd(0,0,0)vmunix -i
/etc/init.orig").  Of course, anyone else can, too, so once you've
verified your modification works, delete the unsecure version of

brent@uunet.uu.net (Brent Chapman) (05/06/89)

Mike Raffety <uunet!Central.Sun.COM!sunloop!oconnor!porsche!miker>
# I like the binary patch to /etc/init, but instead of the custom "sq"
# program, a simpler solution might be to make a hard (or soft) link
# called "sq" (or any other two letter name, to match the space used in
# /etc/init for "sh") to /bin/login, which will do just as effective a
# job of keeping the machine safe.

I'm not sure this is a good idea.  Doesn't /bin/login try to write a
record into /etc/utmp, and so on?  If you're booting single-user, then the
root partition hasn't been fsck'd yet, and if it's hosed, you _don't_ want
to go writing on it before you fsck it.

One thing about 'sq' is that it's fairly simple, and you can pretty much
just stare at it for a while and convince yourself that it does what it's
supposed to, and doesn't do anything unexpected (like write the the root
partition before it's been fsck'd); login, by comparison, is big and
complicated, and there are lots of ways it might go wrong or do something
unexpected in this situation.

Brent Chapman					Capital Market Technology, Inc.
Computer Operations Manager			1995 University Ave., Suite 390
brent@capmkt.com				Berkeley, CA  94704
{cogsci,lll-tis,uunet}!capmkt!brent		Phone:  415/540-6400

miker@central.sun.com (Mike Raffety) (05/07/89)

> I'm not sure this is a good idea.  Doesn't /bin/login try to write a
> record into /etc/utmp, and so on?  If you're booting single-user, then
> the root partition hasn't been fsck'd yet, and if it's hosed, you
> _don't_ want to go writing on it before you fsck it.

Well, /etc/rc.boot is already doing a "> /etc/mtab" to create an empty
file in your root, and mount (since root is mounted r/w on 3.x) is marking
the filesystem as mounted.  A write to /etc/utmp seems fairly harmless.
Indeed, one might consider it a feature (;-) to have a record of
single-user boots.

rbj@dsys.icst.nbs.gov (Root Boy Jim) (05/11/89)

Brent Chapman <capmkt!brent@uunet.uu.net>:

? Read the comments very carefully and think hard before proceeding; this
? "fix" involves a binary patch to /etc/init, and if you make a mistake,
? recovery could be painful.

True enuf, but why not just edit /etc/init with emacs? True, not everyone
*has* emacs, but you could at least mention the possibility for those who

	Root Boy Jim is what I am
	Are you what you are or what?