[comp.sys.sun] Looking for Lighting Simulation packages

greg@lbl-csam.arpa (Greg Ward) (05/27/89)

Stuart Green (green@CompSci.Bristol.AC.UK) writes:

>I'm looking for references to any commercial systems for lighting simulation
>which use radiosity and/or ray tracing techniques to compute global 

I have already responded by snail mail to Mr. Green's request, but thought
that a posting might be in order.  We have written a ray tracing system
for lighting simulation (aka global illumination) that is being made
available to universities and public research institutions at no cost.

The software is distributed in binary form for Suns, with a fraction of
the source code.  We plan on releasing everything in August (hopefully),
so only those who are really eager need apply now.  Be warned that the
system is difficult to use and the documentation is terse at best.

You must send a 30 Mbyte (or larger) 1/4" cartridge tape and a
self-addressed stamped envelope to the address below.  Since there is just
me filling out these orders, please send a request only if you really
intend to use the software.  If you are primarily interested in the code,
you had best wait until it is released this summer.

What follows is the product announcement information contained in
the October 1988 "Sun Academic Software Portfolio" (available from Sun

Version: 1.0
Distribution Date of current Version: Jan 1, 1989
Public Domain? Yes/No: No
Copyright held by: Regents of the University of California
Copyright Date: Jan 1, 1989

	Greg Ward
	Lighting Systems Research
	Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
	1 Cyclotron Rd., 90-3111
	Berkeley, CA  94720

Phone: (415) 486-4757
Email: GJWard@LBL.gov

Price (Academic/Non-Profit): Free

Price (Commercial, if available): Not yet available

Support Provided: None.  Author will accept mail & calls.

Distribution Media:
	Send 1/4" data cartridge and self-addressed stamped envelope to
	above address.

Is Object Code Provided? Yes/No: Yes
Is Source Provided? Yes/No: No
Is Source Available? Yes/No: Yes
Compiler: Standard C

Availability Restrictions: Academic and public research institutions only

Hardware Requirements (List all that apply) -
 Sun Architecture (Sun3, Sun4, Sun386i): Sun3, Sun4
 Mono/Grayscale/Color: Color or Grayscale
 Disk Space Requirement: 8 Meg
 Memory: 8 Meg
 Co-Processors: Floating point

Software Requirements (List all that apply) -
 Sun OS Release (3.x, 4.x): Any
 Languages: C
 Window Environment (SunView/X/NeWS): SunView, X

Accompanying Material: Online documentation

Awards, Reviews or Published Papers (List award/date or journal
 title/date/page number):
	Computer Graphics
	"A Ray Tracing Solution for Diffuse Interreflection"
	August 1988
	pp. 85-92

	Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
	"A New Technique for Computer Simulation of Illuminated Spaces"
	Winter 1988
	pp. 80-91

If versions are available for other hardware platforms, list platforms: mVAX/ULTRIX

Summary Description (30 words or less):

	Lighting calculation and image synthesis using advanced ray
	tracing.  Scenes are built from polygons, cones, and spheres
	made of plastic, metal, and glass with optional patterns and

Detailed Description (250 words or less):

	RADIANCE was developed as a research tool for predicting the
	distribution of visible radiation in illuminated spaces.  It
	takes as input a three-dimensional geometric model of the
	physical environment, and produces a map of spectral radiance
	values in a color image.  The technique of ray tracing follows
	light backwards from the image plane to the source(s).  Because
	it can produce realistic images from a simple description,
	RADIANCE has a wide range of applications in graphic arts,
	lighting design, engineering and architecture.

	The reflectance model accurately predicts both diffuse and specular
	interactions, making it a complete simulation applicable to the
	design of unusual electric- and day-lighting systems.  Scenes
	are described by boundary representations with polygons, spheres
	and cones.  Materials include plastic, metal, glass, and light.
	Textures and patterns can be described as functions
	or data.  Additional programs (generators) produce descriptions
	of compound objects, and allow regular transformations and
	hierarchical scene construction.  A 3D editor is being developed.

	The software package includes display programs for X, SunView,
	and the AED512, and comes with converters to Sun rasterfile and
	Targa formats.  Code is provided for writing other drivers, and
	the list is expected to grow.

 Interface Description (what is it like to use the program):

	The software is well integrated with the UNIX environment.
	Many of the programs function as filters, with a reasonable
	degree of modularity.  An interactive program provides
	quick views of the scene, useful for debugging and view
	determination.  Scenes are described in a simple ascii
	format that is easy to edit and program.  Generators are
	provided for boxes, worms, surfaces of revolution, prisms,
	and functional surfaces (eg. bicubic patches).  A small
	library of patterns and textures is included.  In general,
	the software is sensible but not mouse-based.

 Overall Goals of Developer:

	The primary goal of the program is the accurate simulation
	of light in architectural spaces.  Secondary goals are
	image synthesis and geometric modeling.  Efficiency is
	an important concern in any ray tracing method.

 Usage Information (e.g., what courses have been taught using this
 software, ideas on how to integrate the program into teaching):

	The software has been used in conjunction with courses on
	architectural modeling.

 Development History and Futures:

	The program started out as an after-hours project on
	a more efficient ray tracing technique.

	We plan to release the software to the general public
	in the third quarter of 1989.

-Greg Ward