midkiff@thebes.thalatta.com (Michelle Midkiff) (06/01/89)
I will be installing a Wren V SCSI disk drive (model 94181) in a Sun 386i/250 Expansion Unit running 4.0.1 in the next week or so. Does anyone have any experience with this configuration? Basically what I'm looking for are tips and/or problems I may encounter during installation and formatting. I received email from one person who mentioned that he had attempted to format a Wren V on a 386i running 4.0.1, but found that the the format program was different from the one on Sun 3's and 4's and would not support this drive. Has anyone else heard/experienced this? Please email responses. Thanks in advance, Michelle In-Real-Life: Michelle Midkiff, Thalatta Corporation, (+1 206 455 9838) Domain: midkiff@Thalatta.COM Path: ...!sun!sunup!thebes!midkiff