[comp.sys.sun] Re> Re: Grrr....exports stupidities under 4.0.1

gretzky@unison.larc.nasa.gov (Mr. Stanley Cup) (06/07/89)

   SUN-SPOTS DIGEST           Monday, 5 June 1989          Volume 8 : Issue 4

   Date:    23 May 89 20:38:14 GMT
   From:    mende@athos.rutgers.edu (Bob Mende Pie)
   Subject: Re: Grrr....exports stupidities under 4.0.1

> In article <4478.phil.hypatia@Rice> phil@hypatia.rice.edu (William
> LeFebvre) writes:
>> Now it wouldn't be all that unusual to want to export a given partition
>> as read-only to a whole bunch of machines and read-write to a small
>> number of machines, would it?  Let's see how difficult Sun makes it for
>> us.
>> [....]

The above example would allow *all* systems (ro) access and a:b.. (rw)access.
This is not too great.  I think the point is that it would be nice to have

	/dir -access=clients,rw=friends,ro=foes

where clients is a net group of all clients that you want to have access,
friends is who you want to have (rw) access and foes are (ro) access.  Of
course this would probably be redundant because by giving access to
clients they *could* assume the default unless they were also in the (rw)

Has anyone tried this:

	/dir -access=foes:friends,rw=friends

with the same definitions as above?  Just wondering.  I don't have the need
for this *feature* yet :-)  and lack the time to try.
