[net.unix-wizards] 4.1bsd/750 Crash Analysis -- Help Wanted

ptw (04/22/83)

Our worst fears have transpired:  We have several random reboots with no
console message.  Happens about once a week, three in a row, then goes away.

My problem:  Having read analyze(8), crash(8), pstat(8), ps(1), and adb(1), I
find none of them help me deduce anything from my /usr/crash/vmcore.?'s.  I
heard a rumor that there is a script to m4(1) around somewhere to help me out.
I.e., you do:

		m4 < anal.dump | adb > clarity

Can any one point me to such a beast?  Any other helpful ideas?

			     P. Tucker Withington
			     Automatix Incorporated
			     (617) 667-7900 x2044