[net.unix-wizards] Why overlap I/O and processing? clutches...

smh (04/19/83)

What's wrong with synchronous IO?  Usually nothing.  But remember,
some people on some machines are not backing up gigabyte disks on
125IPS 6200BPI drives.  Rather, they are backing up several x 10^7
byte disks on 45IPS 800BPI tapes.  It makes a difference.........

guy (04/20/83)

Actually, synchronous I/O with system-provided read-ahead isn't always what
you want; see "Operating System Support for Database Management" by Michael
Stonebraker, CACM, July 1981, Vol. 24 No. 7, pp 412-418.  A DBMS might want
to have O_NOCACHE and O_ASYNC bits in the second argument to "open", so that
it can open or create a file, bypass the UNIX cache entirely, and be able to
start an I/O operation and not wait immediately for it to finish.  (That
article does make a misleading statement about UNIX byte-stream vs. RSX-11M
record-oriented I/O; the RSX-11M kernel does NOT provide record-oriented I/O.
It provides block I/O, and a user-mode subroutine library (FCS or RMS) provides
the record structure.)

					Guy Harris
					RLG Corporation

tjt (04/21/83)

It's certainly true that some form of read-ahead/write-behind
buffering is required for the I/O devices described by John Gilmore
(e.g. streaming tape drives), and I agree that making asynchronous
I/O available to user processes is probably the best to accomplish
this.  I think the biggest potential disadvantage of asynchronous I/O
is that the burden of maintaining adequate buffering for a device is
placed on the user program.  The epitomy of this is VMS (at least the
early versions -- I have not had to use VMS since the release 1.6
days) where most of the file I/O buffering appears in RMS, part of
each user process.  Although it was possible to use RMS to get very
high throughput by using lots of read-ahead/write-behind buffers, the
system defaults were pretty bad.  Also, the technique of making
system I/O asynchronous and using user libraries to make it appear
synchronous (while doing the necessary buffering) is very expensive
unless you also have the ability (like VMS) to share libraries
between programs.

swatt (04/21/83)

For about 95+% of the cases, synchronous I/O is the method of choice;
UNIX makes this commendably easy.  For the remaining uses, it is a
bloody pain and you spend infinite energy in various kludges to get
around it.  I disagree there is anything terribly ugly or clumsy about
anynchronous I/O; I've used it under RSX-11.  If you approach it with
coroutines, it is not much more complex than synchronous I/O.

We have a DEC TU78 and using George Goble's "dbuf" program (a double-
buffered version of "dd), I can copy /dev/rhp1g (141545 1024-byte
blocks) to tape in 7 minutes flat (VAX780).  However, to "dump" two
filesystems of this size, plus one root partition takes over 4 hours
elapsed time in single-user mode.  Than could be cut at least in half
with overlaped disk and tape I/O.

Programs like "dump" and "tar" would be significantly faster with
asynchronous I/O.  Programs like "cu", "tip", and communications tasks
in general would be infinitely cleaner as well.

	- Alan S. Watt

smh (04/22/83)

Enough talk about the possible benefits of aynchronous IO with
tapes, pipes, etc.  Did it occur to anyone that some aspects of
the question can be trivially tested.  On an unloaded system:
	tar cvfb /dev/rmt0 20 LOTSA.FILES
	tar cvf - LOTSA.FILES | dd ibs=1b obs=20b of=/dev/rmt0
where LOTSA.FILES is some substantial directory tree.  A simple
timing would tell a lot.  I am willing to try this with an 11/45
and TU10 (800BPI 45IPS) if someone else would volunteer to try
it on hardware at the other end of the spectrum, i.e., a 780
with a TU78.  Of course, the 11 will certainly suffer from
contention for scarce kernel IO buffers for the pipe and all the
tar file reading.  Perhaps a blocking factor of 10 could be tried
as well.

I will post results when I get them.
					Steve Haflich