[comp.sys.sun] Sun Crashes with 4.0.1 and yapt5.5c

david@wubios.wustl.edu (David J. Camp) (06/18/89)

We have been experiencing a persistent and totally unacceptable problem
with our Sun 3/260.  We have an ALM-2 card, to which we have connected two
modems on ports 0 and 1.  We are running SunOS 4.0.1 with a version of
yapt5.5c, of which there are at least two versions.

We experience frequent system crashes, usually with a Bus Error, and
sometimes with a Silo Overflow.  Sometimes it happens just as the modem is
answering the telephone.  This happens approximately once per day, and has
on at least one occasion interrupted important work in progress.

We have an outstanding service call with Sun about this (#307365).  I
would like to know if anyone else is having similiar problems.  Sun claims
that noone is.  We have not had our hardware serviced, but we have run
diagnostics with no errors.

We do have the serial ports configured for hardware Carrier Detect in our
kernel config file.


Bitnet:   david@wubios.wustl                ^      Mr. David J. Camp
Internet: david%wubios@wucs1.wustl.edu    < * >    Box 8067, Biostatistics
uucp:     uunet!wucs1!wubios!david          v      660 South Euclid
Washington University (314) 36-23635               Saint Louis, MO 63110

rayan@ai.toronto.edu (Rayan Zachariassen) (06/22/89)

I've been told that yapt5.5c may have bad interactions with some (unknown)
4.0.1 patches.  If you run into problems (as you are) you might try
applying it to stock 4.0.