datri@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu (Anthony A. Datri) (06/13/89)
I've got a diskless 3/50 here running 4.0, and I've plugged a scsi disk into it. When it boots, it gets the kernel just fine from the server, but when the kernel comes up it seems to want root and swap on sd0, instead of the nfs ones that the bootparamsd gives. When booting with the disk disconnected, all works fine. What I want is for the machine to run diskless, but with a local disk for storage. Any ideas?
zjat02@uunet.uu.net (Jon A. Tankersley) (06/24/89)
You'll have to change the default 'generic' kernal options. Something like: config vmunix root on type nfs swap on type nfs -tank- #include <std/disclaimer.h> /* nobody knows the trouble I .... */ tank@apctrc.trc.amoco.com ..!uunet!apctrc!tank