[comp.sys.sun] New Sun FPU question

jsyktus%adam.ua.OZ@uunet.uu.net (Jozef Syktus) (06/30/89)

I would like to know what is difference in Sun 4/280 performance betwen
old Weitek FPU and new TI FPU. Is it worth to pay 3000 USD (6000 AD) for
new FPU, considering situation where Sun 4/280 is used for real time
intensive computation ? I would like to hear from hands on experienced
person. Also did anybody out there use vector processor e.g. Skay Vortex
etc.  with Sun 4/280? How difficult is it actually to run Sun FORTRAN
program with vector processor. Does such combination improve speed
significantly?  Considering floating point and vector intensive
application how Sun 4/280 with vector processor would compare with say
Titan, Apollo 10000, Stellar, or even topend SG. Any comments and
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Jozef Syktus
Adelaide University
Geology & Geophysics
Adelaide, 5001