[comp.sys.sun] Memory and disk requirements for SUN 3/80

davew@gvgpsa.gvg.tek.com (David C. White) (07/01/89)

I have a question regarding the memory and disk requirements for SUN 3/80
systems.  I am trying to get a feel for how much memory and how much disk
is required to have a usable (I know 'usable' is subject to
interpretation) system that won't get bogged down doing swapping.  The
system(s) would be used for heavy software development for imbedded
microprocessors using cross-compilers and also for debugging using
in-circuit emulators attached to the network.

How much room is the operating system going to occupy on the disk?  How
much memory is the kernal going to grab?  How much memory gets taken up
for each terminal window opened?  Does anybody have any experience with
these kinds of numbers for X-Windows?

The SUN salesman gave one of our software guys a quote for four 8MB
systems with one 104 MB disk in each system.  I have a real good feel for
what it takes to equip a DEC VAXstation 3100 to make it usable with
several windows open and doing compiles and debugging, but I really need
some feedback from actual SUN users and what they feel is needed since I
don't have any SUN systems here that I can play with to see what they

Thanks for any responses.  Please email if you can.
David White	Grass Valley Group, Inc.   VOICE: +1 916.478.3052
P.O. Box 1114  	Grass Valley, CA  95945    FAX: +1 916.478.3778