[comp.sys.sun] Experienced Solbourn 4-600 users speak up

benw@tekgvs.labs.tek.com (07/21/89)

I am interested in hearing some experiences of Solbourn 4-600 users.  I am
in a position to help determine if one of these machines should be
purchased by a group where I work.  The workstations claimed capabilities
are impressive (when measured against a comparable SUN 4, for example).  I
would like to hear from someone to whom the Solbourn is their main machine
(>50% of time).

Anyone had problems running multi-processors in the box?

Anyone experience problems with drivers talking to certain disk
controllers (e.g., Xylogic 753)?

The service contract (1-year parasol) looks great.  Has anyone needed it
and does Solbourn deliver?

I am interested in all testamonials, from the very good to the nightmares.
Responders should not represent Solbourn in any way.  PLEASE send REPLYs
BY EMAIL.  I will return to those who respond a summary of important
information gathered.  If the summary is news-worthy, it will appear there

Thank You.

Ben 	REPLY TO: benw@tekgvs.labs.tek.com