mikeh@sun.com (Mike Herbert) (07/28/89)
We have tested several brands of video extension devices and cables at WSD-Analog, Mountainview, California. These tests were performed at the request of Walt Disney Productions, Because they are interested in the same thing that you are...distance. We found that most off the shelf video extenders will suffice, However we were unable to find a unit that would deliver a decent picture with a SUN HI-RES monitor (either ECL or RGB). So in short we have designed our own Video Extender or as its more affectionately known as "The Disney Line Extender". We can transmit either ECL or RGB video to 200 MHz and up to 500 feet from the server. We also transmit and receive keyboard and mouse commands simultaneously. So if this sounds like something you want or would like to try on trial basis, give me a call....... Sincerely, Michael J. Hebert 415-336-3837 DAYS