[comp.sys.sun] SUG Conference Call For Papers

margie@sun.com (Margie Corbin-Davis, Executive Director, SUG) (08/26/89)

                            CALL FOR PAPERS
		       Sun User Group Conference
			  December 6-8, 1989
			      Anaheim, CA

The Sun User Group annual conference this year will include a track of
technical presentations from the user community and will make available
conference proceedings.  Authors are invited to submit papers describing
advanced work using Sun technology.  Topics may include, but are not
limited to: 

			New & novel operating system work.
			Advanced CAD and CAM applications.
			  Innovative database applications.
			  Medical, military, and applications.
		     Experiences/struggles using Sun technology.
			  Computer graphics and animation.

Papers should be 4-10 pages in length and present the technical topic and
relate it to experiences using Sun technology.  Papers describing
innovation and research are strongly encouraged.  Presentations will be in
one-hour slots.


Submission deadline for papers is August 31, 1989.  Notice of acceptance
will be sent out by September 30, 1989.  Conference registration fees will
be waived for presenters (one per submission) of accepted papers.  All
papers will be reviewed by the program committee.

We strongly recommend electronic submission in PostScript form.  We intend
to publish an electronic proceedings.  If you need assistance in creating
a PostScript form of your paper, please contact the program committee

Submit papers, elctronically or on paper, to:  Robert L. Brown
                                               Mail Stop 230-5
                                               NASA Ames Research Center
                                               Moffett Field, CA 94035

Program Committee:

Robert L. Brown, PhD
RIACS/NASA Ames Research Center

Steve Miller		   Christine Reynolds
University of Maryland	   Clemson University
steve@umiacs.umd.edu       quirk@hubcap.clemson.edu

William LeFebvre	   Vicky Dean
Northwestern University    Rice University
phil@eecs.nwu.edu	   rif@rice.edu