(George Goble) (09/01/89)
We finally "damaged" a drive with an official Exabyte "wet" cleaning kit. We had been involved early on in the testing of the BETA "wet" kits (you got a whole bottle of freon-TF with those instead of a few drops). We often got rotor stalls from both the BETA and production "wet" kits. Also it was noticed that the cleaning tape usually evaporated pretty much dry by the time it got to the heads. The drive above took a rotor stall (we have many drives with clear plastic lids so users can gawk at them) and the cleaning tape "folded" on drum and got tangled up real bad, caught in the gears, on the load ring, etc. Something got bent or changed in that drive, so it mangled new tapes when trying to load them after the cleaning. Exabyte has been investigating "dry" cleaning for many months now, and a few bent drives probably convinced them to go with it. The "dry" method is the same as the "wet" method, except that no Freon is used. You can still use your "wet" kits made by Exabyte (and sometimes resold by other vendors), but just don't use the Freon. Exabyte has just issued a Technical Bulletin 89-08-02 15-Aug-89 concerning cleaning kits. Below is this bulletin in its entirety 1) Purpose of this Technical Bulletin This Technical Bulletin (TB) describes a change in the EXABYTE 8mm Cartridge Tape Subsystem Cleaning Kit 2) Number of Pages This TB consists of a total of two (2) pages. 3) Problems and Questions If you encounter any problems or have any questions regarding this information contained in any TB, contact the following: EXABYTE Corporation 1745 38th Street Boulder, Colorado 80301 Attention: Technical Support phone:(800) 445-7736/(303) 442-4333 Telex: 361740 Fax: (303) 447-0467 4) Description of Change The EXABYTE 8mm Cartridge Tape Subsystem Cleaning Kit (Part Number 180123) is being replaced by a cleaning kit without the cleaning solution (trichlorotrifluoroethane). The new cleaning kit (Part Number 727113-A00) contains the same cleaning tape cartridge, but does not This change is related to several issues: o Extensive studies within EXABYTE engineering have concluded that regular cleaning with the dry EXABYTE cleaning cartrdige, starting at the time of installation, adequately prevents contaminant buildup. o The dry cleaning cartridge is easier to use o EXABYTE supports the worldwide environmental concern for the overuse of fluorocarbons 5) Availabiltiy of the New Cleaning Kit Limited quantities of the new EXABYTE 8mm Cartridge Tape Subsystem Cleaning Kit (Part Number 727013-A00) will be available on 15 September 1989. ------- end of TB ---- ghg Geo. Goble, Engineering Computer Network, Purdue Univ, W. Lafayette, IN 47907 {backbone}!pur-ee!ghg or