[comp.sys.sun] 1/2" 6250 bpi + Sparcstation 330

emv@math.lsa.umich.edu (11/03/89)

A department on campus is configuring a system for a new faculty member.
It is to be some sort of sparc-based architecture (an SS-330 is what they
are looking at) which needs to be able to read and write 1/2" 6250 bpi

Apparently Sun doesn't sell a package that meets this description.

I'd like info from individuals who have successfully configured a system
like this, or vendors who are selling same.  (Yes it's OK to send me ads,
but let me call for prices.)  

I'll bundle up information I get and send it off to the person looking for
this and back to sun-spots.


Edward Vielmetti, U of Michigan math dept.