[comp.sys.sun] Looking for HyperText

stumpf@cogsys.psychologie.uni-freiburg.dbp.de (Michael Stumpf) (11/10/89)

Does anyone out there at the sunny side of the net have some informations
concerning HyperText systems (like Hypercard/Supercard on MACs or
NoteCards on XEROXes) for SUN 3 and 4?  Does anyone use KMS (the only
system I am aware of - I'm looking forward to get some informations about
that system from the vendor) and is willing to talk about his experiences?
Any hints would be appreciated.  Michael

| Michael Stumpf, research scientist                                          |
| EAN:    stumpf@cogsys.psychologie.uni-freiburg.dbp.de   (X.400)             |
| ARPA:   stumpf%cogsys.psychologie.uni-freiburg.dbp.de@relay.cs.net          |
| in real life:  Psychological Institute, University of Freiburg              |
|                Niemensstr. 10, D-7800 Freiburg im Breisgau                  |
|                West Germany                                                 |