[net.news.group] net.flame and flaming

tombre@crin.UUCP (Karl Tombre) (11/18/85)

   Yes I agree. I have also found the flames of some people completely
uncivilized. I wonder how adult, intelligent (?) and educated people can
behave this way. And to people enjoying such practices: please go the local
bar and start arguing with inebriated people. There you will have an
argument with enough ugly names and such stuff. But please please keep it
off the net.

   Being in Europe, we fortunately do not receive net.flame; therefore this
is not a vote to remove this group, but to remove all offensive flaming from
the net. And once more:

   Gentlemen, please, behave like adult people and not like children or
inebriated sailors!!! As one american said it recently in a posting: such
practice brings shame upon americans in general, because in Europe many folks
tend to think of the US as of a half-civilized world. I would like not to
believe this, but use of words such as in the examples given cannot be a
good testimony in favor of civilization.

--- Karl Tombre @ CRIN (Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy)
UUCP:    ...!vmucnam!crin!tombre  or    ...!inria!crin!tombre
COSAC:   crin/tombre
POST:    Karl Tombre, CRIN, B.P. 239, 54506 VANDOEUVRE CEDEX, France