[comp.sys.sun] HELP: Sunview

carlos@beowulf.JPL.NASA.GOV (Carlos Carrion) (11/28/89)

I'm having problems with the panel_each_item,panel_end_each macros.  I've
tried both the macros and writing out the code to accomplish the same
thing.  I produce an executable so not including .h files is not the

I'm using oregon's C++ compiler on a Sun 3/80.  All the sunview functions
are declared with C linkage and are called by member functions of C++
classes or as simple non-member functions.

Here's the error message from dbxtool:

signal SEGV (segmentation violation) in panel_get at 0xbaf78
panel_get+0x22:		movl	a0@(0x24),a0

The Sunview routine (with the explicit code written out) follows:

void remove_item_with_label(pn,label)
Panel pn;
char* label;
	Panel_item pi;
	char* get_window_name();

*** dbxtool points at the line below ***
==>	for(pi=(Panel_item)panel_get(pn,PANEL_FIRST_ITEM);pi;
			/* found button */

A "dump" command produces the following:
label = 0x1fba58 "rtg"
pi = 0x1fcd10 ""
pn = 0x1fba44 "rtg"

A "where" command produces:

panel_get(0x1fba44, 0x41750a01) at 0xbaf78
remove_item_with_label(pn = 0x1fba44 "rtg", label = 0x1fba58 "rtg"), line 425 in "src/sunview/A_sunview.c"
put_up_mode_specs__6Layoutqpuct1(0x16a5ac, 0xdffff870, 0x1876c0) at 0x1492b
modes_button_proc__qpvip10inputevent() at 0x6771
panel_choice(0x1fcd10, 0x176404) at 0xbd865
panel_accept_preview() at 0xb871d
panel_default_handle_event(0x1fcd10, 0x176404) at 0xb8889
panel_handle_event(0x1fcd10, 0x176404) at 0xb86a5
panel_default_event(0x1fba44, 0x176404, 0x0) at 0xb866f
panel_use_event() at 0xb8445
panel_notify_event(0x1fba44, 0x176404, 0x0, 0x0) at 0xe365b
notify_post_event_and_arg(0x1fba44, 0x176404, 0x9, 0x0, 0xef790, 0xef7cc, 0xdffffa74) at 0xf8691
notify_post_event_and_arg(0x1fba44, 0x176404, 0x0, 0x0, 0xef790, 0xef7cc) at 0xf8571
win_is_io_grabbed() at 0xf05cd
win_is_io_grabbed(0x1fba44, 0x18) at 0xefddf
notify_client() at 0xfb461
notify_input(0x1fba44, 0x18) at 0xfb481
ndis_default_prioritizer(0x1fba44, 0x40, 0xdffffbd8, 0xfb470) at 0x100ea1
ndis_default_prioritizer(0x1fba44, 0x40, 0xdffffbd8, 0xdffffbb8, 0xdffffb98, 0x20, 0xdffffbfc, 0xdffffbf8, 0x1679ac, 0x0, 0x0) at 0x100dd3
notify_client(0x1fba44) at 0xfb3d9
ndis_default_scheduler(0x1, 0x170108) at 0x100f45
ndis_dispatch() at 0xfafef
notify_start() at 0xf9dbf
notify_dispatch() at 0xfae55
execute_interrupts(), line 163 in "src/sunview/./C_sunview.c"
main_loop__13C_environmentqv(0x168b04) at 0x72d5
main(0x2, 0xdffffd60, 0xdffffd6c) at 0x71c3

	Any forthcoming help will be gladly accepted! Thanks.
