[comp.sys.sun] core and undump

wallaschek@uunet.uu.net (Adrian Wallaschek) (12/13/89)

We have some difficulties installing a TeX on a Sun 3/60.  To install TeX
with a fmt-file preloaded you have to produce a core-file.  You do this,
you start TeX with a special input filename
(HackyInputFileNameForCoreDump.tex) and it will core.  Now the problem:

A program called undump should take the header and the text-segment from
the original executable and the data-segment (with the preloaded fmt-data)
from the corefile and put all together into a new executable. After some
problems the program had to extract the command-line-parameter (filenames)
it started the conversion. Everything happy til now, but when I start the
new executable it cores itself with different errors (mostly Segmentation-

Does anybody know a solution ? Has anybody a tested undump-program ?

I'm using Sun-OS 4.0.3.

PS: a kind of undump is used in Emacs (the big one from GNU), too !
Perhaps anybody could extract it an send it to me for a test !