These questions ought to be on the frequently asked questions list, but I've been skimming this group for some time with no luck, so here goes: (For that matter, I haven't seen a FAQ list, either ;-) [[Someday :) -bdg]] Who's got the best deals on SCSI shoeboxes? I'd like to get a second shoebox with at least 327MB of disk for my Sun 3/80. Upgrading my primary disk (CDC Wren IV) to something larger might be an option, but I'd like to avoid third party stuff for my primary drive, and Sun's prices are too high. Any recommendations appreciated. Is there any chance of the internal drives (3 1/2") approaching these capacities any time soon? Also, what are the best periodicals to subscribe to in order to find advertisements for this kind of stuff for Suns? Lastly, what is a Sun-Spot? How does is relate to comp.sys.sun? Is it affiliated with Sun Microsystems, Inc.? [[Ed's Note: Sun-Spots is a mailing list which attempts to cover topics of technical interest to the Sun user community. It is related to comp.sys.sun simply by the fact that the complete contents of the Sunspots digest is also reflected to the Usenet community via comp.sys.sun. So, for all reasonable purposes, Sunspots and comp.sys.sun are one and the same. Sunspots is an independent electronic publication which derives its financial backing (in terms of computer time and space) from the Computer Science Department of Rice University. Sunspots is not affiliated with Sun Microsystems in any way, shape, or form. -bdg]] uunet!codonics!bret Bret Orsburn