[comp.sys.sun] Resolver Libraries

fitz@frc2.frc.ri.cmu.edu (Kerien Fitzpatrick) (01/31/90)

I am looking into using the resolver libraries available on uunet to allow
our Sun network to make use of the nameservers running at my site.  I must
be missing something because things are not working as I would expect.

The steps that I made are as follows:

1. copied the libc_resolver* to the correct name and ran ldconfig.
2. created a valid resolv.conf file in /etc.
3. changed /etc/hosts to contain only local hosts.
4. changed the makefile in /var/yp so it uses the -b flag when making the 
   hosts YP database.
5. changed all YP servers and slaves to run ypserv -i.

Symptoms that I see are as follows:

If I ftp to uunet.uu.net (not listed in YP hosts) its IP address is
queried and the connection is opened.

If I rlogin to one of the Suns on our network using its short name the
response is that it is an unknown host.  If I qualify the name to the
point that it is a known domain of the nameservers that are being queried
the IP address is found and the connection is opened.

It seems to me that the YP databases are not being queried prior to the
nameserver as I would have expected and in fact don't seem to be queried
at all.  Can someone shed some light on what I am missing?

Kerien Fitzpatrick

randy@tacky.cs.olemiss.edu (ptm@cs.olemiss.edu) (02/06/90)

In a previous posting Kerien Fitzpatrick asked...

> ... Can someone shed some light on what I am missing?

Yes I believe I can, would you believe I've just had to deal with this
problem ?

You are correct in saying that YP isn't being queried about machines on
the local network.  The patched resolver libraries bypass Yellow Pages
completely and ALWAYS go to a remote nameserver to resolve names (unless
you set up your own nameserver).

The only problem I can think of is that the resolv routines don't set the
correct domain name.

Make sure that resolv.conf (and possibly rc.local) set your sub domain
name to be what the remote nameserver thinks it should be.  If this isn't
correct, then the remote nameserver can't find the address for you.

One confusing thing is that YP and ordinary internet both use the
term domain-name even though they have different meanings.  I find it
easier to keep track of things if YP and internet agree on what the
domain name should be.  When you use short names, the (new) resolver
routines are supposed to add the inet domain name to the end of your
inet symbolic address.  Yellow Pages (if it's working) appends the
YP domain name (not the inet domain name) when it queries the resolv routines.
This can cause problems if you switch from YP to non-YP operations (like
we tried to do).

We had problems here because the nameserver on the campus VM system
didn't know about all of our machines.  After we informed them, we
found out that their response time was so slow that the resolver timed out.

The -b option in the Makefile doesn't do much for you since the bug
you're dealing with is in the gethostbyXXX() routines that you
can't get at unless you have a source license.

_Possible_ solutions:

(1) Try editing your /etc/hosts file to use the full domain name as the
    primary name and add shorter names as aliases (saves the
    fingers some work) i.e.	sun4.ncpa.olemiss.edu   sun4.ncpa   sun4	sun3.ncpa.olemiss.edu   sun3.ncpa   sun3

    This way, the software _should_ use the full domain name and
    you only have to type the short one.

    If you're using NFS, you may need to change the bootparams file
    to reflect the full domain name of your nfs servers

    This is the simplest solution I can think of that might mork.
    You can use the nslookup command to check and see what the remote
    nameserver is doing.  This is a useful debugging aide.

(2) Try setting up your own nameserver database in named.db (You also
    have to have an /etc/named.boot file to do this).  Sun documentation
    does an okay job of describing how this is done, and sri-nic.arpa
    ( has rfc (request for comments) documents that describe
    in (gorey) detail what all the fields in named.db are for.
    Specifically, you should have rfc974.lpr, and rfc1033.lpr.  Both are
    reasonable small and are available via anonymous ftp at sri-nic.arpa
    and can also be found at various ftp sites that archive the bsd BIND
    source code (usually hidden in a .tar.Z file somewhere).  If you 
    have trouble finding them, I can make them available here.  I can
    also leave example named.xxx files if you need them.

    You can arrange it so that the nameserver (on your host) takes
    care of all short names in your sub-domain "sub.domain.name" and
    asks the remote nameserver for names in the domain "domain.name"
    or above.

    I _think_ that you aren't supposed to have an /etc/resolv.conf file
    when you run your own nameserver.

(3) Go for a real upgrade.
    Since we had other software problems, we've opted for the SunOS 4.0.3
    upgrade since they _say_ (I have no objective proof) that this fixes
    the problem.  Won't have proof for another fortnight since that's how
    long it's going to take to get it here.

    They also _say_ that SunOS 4.1 (available this spring) doesn't have
    this problem.  As you've probably guessed, I won't believe it 'til
    I see it.

When Sun releases the SunOS 4.1 upgrade you will need to make sure that the YP
domain name (and database files) are consistent with the remote nameserver.
Otherwise there could be conflicts with YP and the remote machine as to what
the correct symbolic inet names are supposed to be.

I can't stress strongly enough that these are suggestions and not guaranteed
solutions.  I won't guarantee any of these to work, since I'm not root on
this system and didn't have an opportunity to test them all.  Besides, we had
to trash the resolver library and can't test these ideas now either.
If you do decide to use the patched library, I would suggest recompiling any 
applications that _suddenly_ develop abnormal behavior.  Other programs
use that shared library besides the resolver, and you could have some 
interference.  We only had this problem with one obscure application, but it
happened to be a crucial one for us.

Also, since sendmail uses YP to resolve names you may need to download
patched versions of sendmail to get e-mail to function properly in your new

Personally, I'd rather go for the 4.0.3 upgrade.  But the patched library
should certainly keep things going in the interim.

Good Luck !!

Randy Zagar, lowly physics grad     /-----------------------------------------\
Internet: randy.NCPA.OleMiss.Edu    | Nat'l Center for Physical Acoustics     |
       or randy.CS.OleMiss.Edu      | The University of Mississippi at Oxford |
                                    | P.O. Box 847                            |
                                    | University, MS 38677                    |