ejs@whuxlb.UUCP (06/17/83)
Recently I hacked together the following termcap for Visual Technology's Visual 50 terminal. It's a slight modification of the vt52 termcap. v5|vi50|visual 50:\ :al=\EL:am:\ :bl=^G:bs:\ :cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:cr=^M:\ :da:db:dl=\EM:do=^J:\ :kb=^H:kd=\EB:kl=\ED:kr=\EC:ku=\EA:\ :le=^H:li#24:\ :nd=\EC:nl=^J:\ :pt:\ :se=\ET:so=\EU:sr=\EI:\ :ta=^I:\ :up=\EA:us=\ES:ue=\EW: It's intended to run when the Visual 50 is in vt52 emulation mode (I know what you're thinking; if it's emulating a vt52, then why another termcap? Well, it turns out that the Visual 50 can handle dl and db among other things, which the vt52 can't) The termcap works OK for the most part. The only problem is on character inserts. The whole line gets painfully redrawn for each character typed. Any suggestions? Beau Shekita BTL-Whippany whuxlb!ejs