[comp.sys.sun] Duplicating tapes: need Help

smikes@cbnewsi.att.com (02/09/90)

I need some help in duplicating a tape on a SPARC1; our group recently
lost a tape throuh accidental erasure and I would like to prevent the
consequences of this from happening to me by making a backup duplicate.

We have 2 tape drives available by borrowing one from another machine, so
I can go tape to tape.  The tape is the installation set for Sun OS - is
it against the lisc. agreements to dupe this tape(s) for backup purposes?

If not, then I want to know how to dupe them.  Thanks!

e-mail:	{att!}pjspot!smikes	->	Phone: (201) 615-4718
#include <std.disclaimer> "I said it, not my company!"
"What ever happened to freedom of speech?"

emv@math.lsa.umich.edu (02/10/90)

I use this to dup tapes.  --Ed

[[Ed's Note: Placed in Titan Archives -bdg]]

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