[comp.sys.sun] SCSI help requested

derrick@cs.athabascau.ca (Derrick Rowlandson) (02/20/90)

After spending a couple hours trying to cable up some SCSI peripherals to
a SUN i would like to pose the following questions.

A SCSI bus consists of a 50 pin bus running from a SCSI controller.  Bus
length can be up to 15 feet.  On this bus you can have up to 8 devices.
Connectors for getting on the bus come in many different flavors,
(Centronics style, AMP-socket connectors, D style connector) Some SCSI
peripherals provide a bus extention to allow the bus to continue on to the
next device. This is simply a parallel extention of the bus.

So far so good?

Where must a SCSI bus be terminated? Only once, and at the last device on
the bus would seem to be the logical choise.

When taping into a SCSI bus, the tap or stub length can only be a few
inches in length i guess? But can you get away with a longer stub length
if you also terminate that specific device?

confirmation/correction/variations of the above would be greatly
appreciated, and any other cabling/hardware tips also welcome. (a tip on a
good hardware reference book also welcome).
