[comp.sys.sun] Possible bug in Sun 4 FORTRAN I/O system

revans@voodoo.ucsb.edu (02/28/90)

Yesterday, I posted a request for help with an obscure problem I've been
having in this area.  As yet, I've had no response, but I have managed to
localise the problem to an interaction between the FORTRAN I/O system and
the system() subroutine.  The following program exhibits the problem.  I
have been told that the compiler is not the latest release, by the way.

Is this a known problem?   Has Sun released a fix?  Or is it a 'feature'?

c     buggy.f   Russ Evans 27-Feb-90

c     demonstrates problem of interaction between the FORTRAN I/O
c     rt-system and the 'system' call on Sun 4/280.  As yet untested
c     in other environments.  An erroneous EOF is found on the input 
c     unit following the call to system.  Contents of infile.dat and 
c     of the argument to system appear to be immaterial.  Behaviour
c     does not depend on choice of unit 10 for file input.

      character record*80
      character infile*15
      parameter (infile = 'infile.dat')
      integer   i,system

      open(unit=10, file=infile, status='OLD', err=901) 

   10 read(unit=10, fmt='(A)', err=902, end=903) record
      write(unit=6, fmt='(A)') record
      i=system('lpr junk')
      goto 10

  901 write(unit=6, fmt='(2A)') 'Failed to open ', infile
  902 stop 'Read error on unit 10'
  903 stop 'End of file on unit 10'


Russ Evans, British Geological Survey, Edinburgh UK  e_gs18@va.nmh.ac.uk
 .. just visiting (and working hard) at UCSB ..

rmaddale@lodestar.gb.nrao.edu ( RON MADDALENA ) (03/01/90)

I've never yet saw a UNIX system in which a Fortran SYSTEM call did not do
something wrong!!  In almost all cases it has been some bizarre
interaction between Fortran I/O and SYSTEM.  The 'fix' I've come up with,
which works in almost all cases, is to call a c-routine (given below)
which does the actual SYSTEM call (i.e., I cheat).  

     int csystem_(string, len)    /* Does a SYSTEM call */

     char *string[];
     int len;

Basically, just replace the word SYSTEM with CSYSTEM in your calling
program, compile it and the c-routine CSYSTEM, and link the two. 

Note, however, that the return code generated by CSYSTEM becomes corrupted
when you run your program in some Sunwindow environments like GFXTOOL --
in GFXTOOL, the return code is ALWAYS a -1, regardless of whether the
SYSTEM call succedded or not.  In CMNDTOOL or SHELLTOOL, the return code
is always correct.  Therefore, until someone comes up with a 'fix' to this
different bug, one should not, to be on the safe side, test or care about
the return code.

Ronald J. Maddalena <rmaddale@nrao.edu>
National Radio Astronomy Observatory