[comp.sys.sun] audio programs for SS1's

phil@grumpy.cgrg.ohio-state.edu (Phil Ritzenthaler) (03/02/90)

There is a demo program that comes with 4.0.3c called 'sound'.  One
problem I've found with audio files is that they are too soft!  At least
'sound' has the ability to increase the volume.

BUT, you have to be running suntools to do this.  Query, has anyone
written a simple program to be called from the command line that you could
give . . .  say  . . . volume and tempo parameters to and that information
plus the sound file will be delivered to /dev/audio?

[[Ed's Note: Play.shar available from the Rice archives is described
briefly below (from v9n25) -bdg]]

X-Date:    1 Feb 90 10:59:04 EST
X-From:    soleil!gopstein@rutgers.edu (Rich Gopstein)
X-Subject: Re: SPARCstation Audio Software?

I posted some patches to sound.c which will turn it into play.c.  Play
takes a file and a volume setting, and plays the file.  It can be used
with "rsh" since it doesn't use graphics.

Installation: After extracting the "patches" file, do the following:

ed /usr/demo/sound/sound.c < patchfile

The version of sound.c that this works on is:
-rw-r--r--  1 bin         37759 May 25 22:58 sound.c

This will create play.c in the current directory.  Just "cc -o play
play.c" to compile.  Its use is "play [-v volume] soundfile" where volume
is 0-10, the default is 7.  Since it doesn't use the screen, it will work
with rsh.

FTP:    Hostname : titan.rice.edu (
        Directory: sun-source
        Filename : play.shar

Archive Server Address: archive-server@rice.edu
Archive Server Command: send sun-source play.shar