[comp.sys.sun] laser writer on SUN 3/140

delay@imag.fr (Yves Delay) (04/09/90)

My problem is adding an Apple laser writer to a SUN 3/140, by use of a
serial port. But it doesn't work. Below are the steps of the procedure
that I followed, what's wrong ? :

1- Cable connection

	SUN 3/140				Apple laser writer


2- Laser writer configuration

	8 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bits
	external switch psitionned on "9600"
	ON/OFF cycle for resetting

3- init(8) must not create a login process on the port used for the laser

	Editing of the /etc/ttytab file, status field on "off".

4- Sending of a postsript file over the tty line to the printer

	HOSTNAME# (stty 9600 -parenb cread ixon cstopb clocal; cat postsc) >

Yves DELAY - Bureau D107 - ENSIMAG - BP 53X - 38041 GRENOBLE Cedex-
TELEPHONE : poste 5361
INTERNET : delay@imag.fr
UUCP : delay@imag.UUCP