[comp.sys.sun] New PC-NFS driver compatibility kit

geoff@east.sun.com (Geoff Arnold @ Sun BOS - R.H. coast near the top) (04/13/90)

This is a uuencoded compressed tarfile of the PC-NFS Driver Compatibility
Kit. This version includes source and binary for the Packet Driver
interface and binary only for the NDIS interface. For more information,
please read the files in the "info" directory.

Geoff Arnold
April 13, 1990

[[Ed's Note: Placed in Rice Archives. -bdg]]

FTP:	Hostname : titan.rice.edu (
	Directory: sun-source
	Filename : compat.kit.tar.Z.uu

Archive Server Address: archive-server@rice.edu
Archive Server Command: send sun-source compat.kit.tar.Z.uu