[comp.sys.sun] NFS-Mounting Home Directories

balen@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk (henry Balen) (05/02/90)

Here is some info that I had put together a while ago to answer a similar
question about automounting home directories.

The sun386 uses YP to distribute the automounter maps. We have a
hetrogenous network consisting of sun386's, Sparcs and a sun3/260. The YP
master is a sun386. I have included copies of the YP maps for the
automounter which you may find of use.

  Henry Balen <balen@uk.co.camscan>
Camscan, Saxon Way, Bar Hill, Cambridge CB3 8SL, UK.

The configuration is:
	hermes	a sun386 YP master server and file server (exports local ...)
	eurynome a sun3/260 file server (exports some home directorys)
	rhiannon a sun386 file server (exports some home directorys)

When a user logs on to the various machines their home directory will be
mounted as /home/username
# auto.master
/net            -hosts          -intr,nosuid
/home           auto.home       -intr,nosuid
/vol            auto.vol        -intr,nosuid
/nse            /etc/auto.nse
/repl           auto.repl -ro
# auto.vol
help    -ro hermes:/export/vol/help
help.master     hermes:/export/vol/help
local   -rw hermes:/export/vol/local
local.master    hermes:/export/vol/local
sundesk -rw hermes:/export/vol/sundesk
src -rw hermes:/export/vol/src

archives -rw eurynome:/export/vol/archives
# here are just a few lines from the auto.home
balen           eurynome:/export/home/software/bale
jennifer        eurynome:/export/home/software/jennifer
alasdair        eurynome:/export/home/software/alasdair

phil            rhiannon:/export/home/hardware/phil
darryl          rhiannon:/export/home/hardware/darryl
garry           rhiannon:/export/home/hardware/garry

A soft link is set on the various servers to export the home directorys ie
on eurynome there is a soft link from

/export/home/software/balen to /files1/home/software/balen

and the following entry in the /etc/exports file:

/export/home/software/balen    -access=domain

This assumes that there is a netgroup called domain set up in the netgroup YP file.