[comp.sys.sun] Question on 4.1 mlock

rws@cs.brown.edu (Richard W. Sabourin) (05/09/90)

This simple question is aimed at the Sun engineers whom I KNOW read this;
it deals with SunOS 4.1 on a SPARCstation.

Can I (root) use mlock(3) to wire down blocks of plain, ordinary memory
obtained from malloc (actually valloc), or does it have to be mmap'ed?  I
tried a test program, but "ps" indicates (reading the RSS and %MEM fields)
that the pages get aged out, when they aren't touched by the process in
several seconds.

I imagine this is a case of the usual inaccuracy of ps, vmstat, etc., but
I have no other easy way to tell where the pages lie.  Please email, and I
will summarize.

	Thanks for your wisdom,
	Rick Sabourin, Systems Slave