[comp.sys.sun] SS1 voice talk

miron@alamak.@cs.ca (06/02/90)

Here is the shar for vtalk.  It originates in Japan, so the documentation
is pretty unreadable.  Read the source instead.  For some reason vtalkd
wants to be super-user.  I have commented the check out in my copy.  I
don't see any good reason why it should be suid root.


[[Ed's Note: Placed in archives. -bdg]]

FTP:	Hostname : titan.rice.edu (
	Directory: sun-source
	Filename : vtalk.shar
	Filesize : 23435 bytes

Archive Server Address: archive-server@rice.edu
Archive Server Command: send sun-source vtalk.shar

	By me: Miron Cuperman <miron@cs.sfu.ca>