dcox@cs.rochester.edu (Don Cox) (06/07/90)
I am writing a shell script that has to distinguish between a Sun4/260 and a Sun4/490. The 'arch' command returns 'sun4' on both machines. Is there a way, other than motd, that I can type the same command on either machine and know which type Sun4 machine I am on? Thanks. [[Ed's Note: A shell script was posted in v8n202 which could be used to tell the type of the machine that the command was invoked from. At the time, it was out of date (didn't support the Sparc machines) so I imagine that it's still out of date, however, it would probably be a good starting point if nothing else. -bdg]] FTP: Hostname : titan.rice.edu ( Directory: sun-source Filename : machtype.script Filesize : 894 bytes Archive Server Address: archive-server@rice.edu Archive Server Command: send sun-source machtype.script Don Cox ARPA dcox@ssd.kodak.com UUCP ...rutgers!rochester!kodak!aviary!dcox
) (06/08/90)
Here is the best script of this type I've seen. It can't get out of date because it decodes <machine/cpu.h>. [[Ed's Note: Placed in archives, replacing machtype.script. -bdg]] FTP: Hostname : titan.rice.edu ( Directory: sun-source Filename : machtype Filesize : 763 bytes Archive Server Address: archive-server@rice.edu Archive Server Command: send sun-source machtype David DiGiacomo, Sun Microsystems, Mt. View, CA david@eng.sun.com
dupuy@cs.columbia.edu (06/08/90)
Here's a program which will do what you need - it will even say what kind of floating point processor (if any) you have. [[Ed's Note: This one's pretty nice too, so I'll include it in the archives along with the other machtype script. -bdg]] FTP: Hostname : titan.rice.edu ( Directory: sun-source Filename : machtype.shar Filesize : 6038 bytes Archive Server Address: archive-server@rice.edu Archive Server Command: send sun-source machtype.shar
datri@uunet.uu.net (Anthony A. Datri) (06/08/90)
This was posted here before: |Subject: hostid -> model mapping |X-Sun-Spots-Digest: Volume 8, Issue 198, message 18 of 18 /bin/hostid format: 8 hex digits: A M NNNNNN A = architecture: 0=sun2, 1=sun3, 2=sun4, 3=sun386i, 4=sun3x, 5=sun4c M = machinetype: sun2 1=multibus, 2=vmebus sun3 1=160, 2=50, 3=260, 4=110, 7=60, 8=Eurocard sun4 1=260, 2=110, 3=330, 4=460 sun3x 1=470, 2=80 sun4c 1=60 NNNNN = cpu serial system serial number format: 3 digits, letter, 4 digits: Y WW L NNNN Y = year: 4 = 84, 5 = 85, ... WW = week: 23 = 23rd week of year L = letter, C through F (possibly manufacturing site?) NNNN = number of unit The complete dope on the hostid # can be found in the include file /usr/include/sun{2,3,4,386}/cpu.h. inet: dupuy@cs.columbia.edu uucp: ...!rutgers!cs.columbia.edu!dupuy