(Rohit Mehrotra) (06/11/90)
Lotus 123 running on SunOS has a bug with its IRR calculations. A worksheet which takes about 5 hours to calculate on an IBM PS2 takes approximately 21 on a Sparc Station running SunOS. Lotus acknowledges the bug and says that it will NOT provide any patch to its software (Policy Decision!! They still live in a DOS world). They say that it will be fixed in the next release, the alpha of which is not due until the 4th quarter of this year at the earliest. So if any one is planning to use Lotus on Sparc stations and intends to do IRR calculations, be patient when your machine would be grinding for the whole day and your accountants screaming at you. Thanks Rohit Mehrotra Fleet Credit Corporation 8325 NW 53rd St, Miami, Fl 33166. E-MAIL Address uunet!dmdev!rohit