We are using a SPARCstation1 for 6 month now and got hold of a huge SUG-Tape with mostly stuff from 1987 on it, e.g. gcc 1.27 etc. We tried to install the g++, but never succeeded since it first wanted the gcc to be installed, and then the bison parser, and then alloca was missing and then xmalloc etc. It was a real pain. Now we think that there are newer versions out there in the USA anyhow and what we are interested in is basically a tape with everything on it to install gcc and g++ on a new SPARCstation. We tried to get a new tape from the american SUG but they never replied to our order. We can also not get any files via unanomous file transfer, because we are not connected to the networks correctly. So if there is anyone who can help we would very much appreciate it. Detlev Seidel Institute for Production Engineering University of Hannover 3000 Hanover 1 F.R.G Phone: +49.511.762.4840 Fax: .5115 E-Mail: (Bob Sutterfield) (06/29/90)
| From: | Date: 28 Jun 90 21:05:26 GMT | | ...a huge SUG-Tape with mostly stuff from 1987 on it, e.g. gcc 1.27 | etc... [had problems] ... Eeek! Ancient Babylonian software! It's not surprising that it won't work on your sleek, modern SparcStation. If you can't do anonymous FTP to, and you don't want to make the cross-Pond Trailblazer or V.32 call to osu-cis to pick it up via anonymous UUCP, you should drop a line to requesting current tape ordering information.