[comp.sys.sun] A *good* Pascal compiler for Sparcs?

dvorak@iam.unibe.ch (Jiri Dvorak) (07/03/90)

It's a long time now that we are fighting with various flaws in Sun Pascal
and especially it's integration in the dbx / dbxtool debugger. 

Now we're looking for a third party Pascal compiler. Does somebody have
experiences with other than Sun's Pascal? I'm interested in both positive
and negative critics. How about the debugging tools provided?

As all students here start with  Turbo Pascal, a development environment
similar to Borlands Turbo Pascal would be optimal. However, running Turbo
Pascal within DosWindows is no solution, mainly because of the graphics

I'll summarize if there's interest.

Many thanks,
Jiri Dvorak                  dvorak@iam.unibe.ch   or
Institute for Informatics    dvorak%iam.unibe.ch@relay.cs.net
University of Berne          UUCP: ..!uunet!mcsun!iam.unibe.ch!dvorak