BP6@DHDURZ1.BITNET (Josef Lukas) (07/03/90)
Currently we are running SunOS 4.0 on a couple of 3/60 and 3/160. Now we have got a diskless 3/80 and SunOS 4.0.3 on a 1/4" cartridge. Trying to boot the 3/80 from our old shoebox with "b st()" resulted in a "device not found" error. Sun's comment on the problem : Sorry, 3/80 with a shoebox is not supported... So the situation is: we can't install the new OS with one of our 3/60 (it's the 68030-version) nor can we boot with the 3/80 from tape. Any help for that?? Thank you. Josef Lukas, University of Heidelberg, FRG (BP6@DHDURZ1.bitnet)