[comp.sys.sun] Why are Wren's faster than Fujitsu or HP

dove@uunet.uu.net (Webster Dove) (07/06/90)

I asked this question some time ago after trying various drives on our
Xylogics 713 esdi controller.  One suggestion was that the Wren had the
cache turned on.

Do the ESDI drives have a cache?  If not, why are the Wren ESDI's able to
do raw 10Mbyte xfers so fast in comparison?

Dr. Webster Dove				Dr. Webster Dove
Experimental Computing Systems ('X')		Lockheed Sanders Inc.  
Signal Processing Center of Technology		144 Daniel Webster Hwy.
Lockheed Sanders Inc.				Merrimack, NH.  03054  

	(or )	@uunet.uu.net:dove@rocket.uucp