[comp.sys.sun] Image processor $ estimate

pvo@sapphire.oce.orst.edu (Paul O'Neill) (07/13/90)

Pardon the blanket coverage, but, hey, I answer a lot of questions and don't
ask very many.

My boss just dumped this "need it yesterday" grant proposal estimate on me,
so I'd appreciate any quick responses from those of you who may have this
stuff on the top of your head:

1) Is a Sun 4/330 the cheapest SPARC I can get with an empty VME slot?

2) Do you know of any image processors that will plug into the S-bus, or
   SCSI-bus?  This would enable me to spec a much-cheaper SS1+ as the
   host workstation.

3) Does an S-bus <-> VME-bus translator exist?  (Is this even reasonable?)

My current system is a very nice, very affordable Imaging Technology ITI151
image processor plugged into a Sun 4/110.  I would duplicate it, however, 
you can't get a 4/110 these days.

Please respond via e-mail, as I DO read these groups and I WILL summarize.
(Doesn't it burn you when these leaches who don't contribute drop in to
pick our brains? :-)


pvo@sapphire.oce.orst.edu (Paul O'Neill) (07/13/90)

My boss just dumped this "need it yesterday" grant proposal estimate on
me, so I'd appreciate any quick responses from those of you who may have
this stuff on the top of your head:

1) Is a Sun 4/330 the cheapest SPARC I can get with an empty VME slot?

2) Do you know of any image processors that will plug into the S-bus, or
   SCSI-bus?  This would enable me to spec a much-cheaper SS1+ as the host

3) Does an S-bus <-> VME-bus translator exist?  (Is this even reasonable?)

My current system is a very nice, very affordable Imaging Technology
ITI151 image processor plugged into a Sun 4/110.  I would duplicate it,
however, you can't get a 4/110 these days.

Please respond via e-mail, as I DO read these groups and I WILL summarize.
(Doesn't it burn you when these leaches who don't contribute drop in to
pick our brains? :-)


Paul O'Neill                 pvo@oce.orst.edu		DoD 000006
Coastal Imaging Lab
Corvallis, OR  97331         503-737-3251