[comp.sys.sun] Bad Routing problems and tools to fix them

tran@bungi.com (Tony Tran) (07/17/90)

Our SUN network which is heavily dependent on NIS to operate has
consistenly developed bad routing problems in the past few months.

Is there any good PD tools available to trace routing problems, and is
there any way to prevent this kind of problem from happening in the
future? In case bad routing does happen, what is the most effective way to
trouble-shoot and fix the problem? I do not have access to any Lanalyzers
or Sniffers, and currently rely heavily on the networking tools bundled
within the basic SUN OS system software to maintain the network. We don't
have SunNet Manager(tm), nor can we afford cisco(tm) or proteon(tm)
routers on our network. (that's what I was told :-).  We just used the
good ole double-ethernet boards method on the gateway hosts.

Our network consists of about 400+ SUNs with multiple YP domains, running
SUNOS 3.x to  4.1; with a good mixture of SUN3-xx and SUN4/Sparc
workstations; has several gateways/subnets, and run "in.routed" daemon on
almost all clients as well as servers.

Please reply to me and I will summarize if there is enough interest.
