[comp.sys.sun] PC-NFS Backups

jle@cfm.brown.edu (Jon Elion) (07/17/90)

In v9n248, the question was asked:

> Anybody out there tried using a DOS backup command to backup a local hard
> disk to a PC-NFS disk?  DOS Backup gives you a  warning message about "All
> files in the root directory will be erased".  I'd use XCOPY but I have
> seen it crash when done to a PC-NFS disk.

Here are the batch files I have been using to backup a local PC's hard
disk to a Sun.  The usefulness of this procedure is that the PC files
copied in this fashion are included on the nightly Sun system backups
(multiple Suns backed up onto a single Exabyte tape).

    REM Do a full backup of C: and D: to host HEART-THROB
    del \backup.log
    echo Full back-up of C: > backup.log
    net use k: \\heart-throb\files\applic\backups\c
    attrib -r k:backup\*.*
    rm -r k:backup
    backup c:\*.* k: /s /L:\backup.log
    c:\nfs\chmod 0777 k:*.*
    net use k: /d
    net use k: \\heart-throb\files\applic\backups\d
    attrib -r k:backup\*.*
    rm -r k:backup
    echo Full back-up of D: >> backup.log
    backup d:\*.* k: /s /L:\backup.log
    c:\nfs\chmod 0777 k:*.*
    net use k: /d

    REM Do an incremental backup of C: and D: to host HEART-THROB
    echo Incremental back-up of C: >> backup.log
    net use k: \\heart-throb\files\applic\backups\c
    backup c:\*.* k: /s/a/m /L:\backup.log
    c:\nfs\chmod 0777 k:*.*
    net use k: /d
    net use k: \\heart-throb\files\applic\backups\d
    echo Incremental back-up of D: >> backup.log
    backup d:\*.* k: /s/m/a /L:\backup.log
    c:\nfs\chmod 0777 k:*.*
    net use k: /d

The above batch files result in the following files and directories on
host HEART-THROB (listing produced using ls -lR /files/applic/backups):

    total 1
    drwxrwsrwx  3 root          512 Jul 16 08:28 c/
    drwxrwsrwx  3 root          512 Jul 16 08:51 d/

    total 1
    drwxrwxrwx  2 jle           512 Jul 16 08:28 backup/

    total 28596
    -r-xr-xr-x  1 jle      29169510 Jul 16 16:03 backup.001*
    -r-xr-xr-x  1 jle         73465 Jul 16 16:03 control.001*

    total 1
    drwxrwxrwx  2 jle           512 Jul 16 08:51 backup/

    total 37370
    -r-xr-xr-x  1 jle      38184300 Jul 16 16:04 backup.001*
    -r-xr-xr-x  1 jle         34459 Jul 16 16:04 control.001*

Jon Elion

steve@castle.ed.ac.uk (S D Law) (07/18/90)

In article <9954@brazos.Rice.edu> jle@cfm.brown.edu (Jon  Elion) writes:
>X-Sun-Spots-Digest: Volume 9, Issue 264, message 9

>> Anybody out there tried using a DOS backup command to backup a local hard
>> disk to a PC-NFS disk?  DOS Backup gives you a  warning message about "All
>> files in the root directory will be erased".  I'd use XCOPY but I have
>> seen it crash when done to a PC-NFS disk.

There are a couple of alternatives you could try.  There is a version of
unix tar which I have used to back up a pc hard disk into one file and put
it on the pc-nfs disk.  There is also a package called pc-lifeline which
works in conjunction with pc-nfs.  It has a few utilities one of which is
that it allows the server to back up the pc hard disk (if the pc is
attached using pc-nfs).