[comp.sys.sun] Data Transfer Rate for a SPARCstation over Ethernet?

DHEINZER@ESOC.BITNET (Danielle Heinzer) (08/30/90)

Does anyone have approximate figures for a reasonable maximum data
transfer rate on Ethernet wich a Sparcstation (1+,370,470) could support,
without overloading the cpu (say < 10% load), and using standard protocols

Is there any processor board (either VME or S-Bus) which could process the
TCP/IP protocol instead of the CPU board?


Danielle Heinzer
ESA Computer Department/Computer Services
European Space Operations Centre
Robert-Bosch-str. 5
6100 Darmstadt
Tel int : 49-6151-902540
Bitnet : dheinzer@esoc
Uucp: unido!esoc.bitnet!dheinzer