[comp.sys.sun] Icons in OpenLook

haydens%bullwinkle@juliet.ll.mit.edu (Hayden Schultz) (09/20/90)

I'm running OpenWindows 2.0 on a sparcstation and I'm having trouble
binding icons to applications using olwm. Olwm, if I understand what's
going on, uses the same icon format that sunview used. All other X window
manager's that I'm aware of, use the X11 bitmap format. So my question is,
how do I make a window use an X bitmap as it's icon? It's really simple
with twm, you just put the lines in you .twmrc

Icons {
	"xterm"		"xterm.icon"
	"emacs"		"gemacs.icon"

Is there an undocumented resource that does this?  I really like the look
and feel of openlook, but I'm getting awfully frustrated with the lack of
customization features.

	Hayden Schultz
	MIT Lincoln Lab