[comp.sys.sun] Problems building X.V11R4 on SparcStation 1+, SunOS4.1

lagoze@cs.cornell.edu (Carl Lagoze) (10/08/90)

Any help would be appreciated.  I'm building X with fixes 1-14 installed
on SparcStation 1+ under SunOS4.1.  The only changes I'm making from the
vanilla distribution is in sun.cf, namely the values of OSName,
OSMajorVersion, OSMinorVersion to their 4.1 values.  The build goes fine.
The server comes up but xterm dies with an X error showing a bad integer
value in X_GrabButton.  This also happens in xman when I select one of the
buttons in the initial window.  All other clients work inluding twm,
gnuemacs, xmh, xedit, etc.  I'm sure that many people have built X under
4.1 so what am I doing wrong???


Carl Lagoze                             lagoze@cs.cornell.edu
Dept. of Computer Science               607-255-8670
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853