[comp.sys.sun] Hitachi DK515C formatting problems

BHOLMES@cms.cc.wayne.edu (Brian Holmes) (10/08/90)

Does anyone have a format.dat entry for an Hitachi DK515C disk drive.  My
current entry looks like this:

disk_type = "Hitachi DK515C" \
   :ctlr = MD21 : fmt_time = 4 : cache = 0x11 : trks_zone = 9\
   : ncyl = 1356 : acyl = 2 : pcyl = 1358 : nhead = 14 : nsect = 69 \
   : rpm = 3600 : bpt = 35328 : bps = 512

From the Hitachi manual I'm not sure what cache,trks_zone, or fmt_time
should be set too.  When I try and format the drive I always get the
following message:

Block 3 (0/0/3), Fatal non-media error (illegal request)

Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?

                        Brian Holmes
                        UCC Network Management

PHONE:    (313) 577-3750  FAX=577-5626          Wayne State University
BITNET:   BHOLMES@WAYNEST1                      5925 Woodward
INTERNET: BHOLMES@CMS.CC.WAYNE.EDU              Detroit, MI 48202  U.S.A